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Dinner in the Bathtub?

Writer: Brooke AmideiBrooke Amidei

Fun Ideas with Your Kids

File this one under weird, but wonderful. I will say, it was a memorable and fun way to encourage my young reader.

We found the book We Eat Dinner in the Bathtub by Angela Shelf Medearis at the library and on boring February night, and we did just that.

To encourage my son's reading I told him if he could read the whole book on his own, we could eat dinner in the bathtub too. The book was just challenging enough that it made it worth it to both of us!

I love how doing something just enough out of the ordinary can feel so crazy and so fun. This took zero effort, just a willingness to break out of the box a bit.

That little guy in the bathtub is five years older now. And even though he would probably still love to eat dinner in the bathtub, I'm trying as a mom to think of other, new ways, that don't have to be grandiose, to teach the boys to find the fun in the mundane and not take ourselves too seriously (and I would still love to encourage some more reading around here). Seems like we need more and more of those reminders as we both grow older. Dinner in the bathtub seems like a good enough place to start...


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