Promise me if you are gifting anyone under 30 cash, you don't do it in an envelope. There are so many easy and fun ideas to make it that much more fun.
Obviously you can always do a scavenger hunt and not go wrong. Everyone loves finding the clues and running around looking for the treasure, but if you are looking for something a little different, here are a couple of tried and true ideas for you.
Cold Hard Cash
This was a fun and unexpected one. I think we just said something like, "You wanted money for Christmas right? Hmmm...where could you find some (then this part really exaggerated)... COLD, HARD, CASH?" He was confused so we repeated, "COLD, HARD, CASH"?? and then it clicked. He looked in our refridgerator freezer first. Nope. Then ran down to the deep freeze where he found this.

There is probably a cuter way to do this, but I just put the cash inside a ziplock bag. I froze a water about halfway up of my glass container first, then added my ziplock bag of money and covered it with water. It was a bummer it didn't freeze totally clear so you could see it, so I just labeled it with a sticky note.

I didn't think about how he would get it out of there and it actually was really hilarious. He couldn't at first see how much money he received! The boys ran to the sink to let some hot water thaw it out. In hindsight I wish I would've taken it out of the glass container once it was frozen so it was just sitting in a block of ice that he could've hit with a hammer, thrown it on the concrete or had more options on how to get to it.

All in all this was a hit and I'd do it again. Plus telling a pre-teen they got "Cold, Hard, Cash" sounds really bad ass.
The Kleenex Box Trick

It's so boring when our kids just want cash for Christmas, so it is fun to try to jazz it up and make it a little more creative. I followed the Inspiration Corner's blog for instructions on how to do make his morning a little more magical!
Making it Rain
My friend posted this video of them making it rain for their teenage son's birthday and I had to share. Just get one of these money guns on Amazon and you'll be set for year's of making it rain some cash on your loved ones!
Popping some Cash

Of course Pinterest has loads of ideas for how to give cash in fun ways. I have always thought that blowing it up inside of balloons looks fun (and super easy) too. You can see what I mean on Increasingly Domestic's blog.
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