I love making a spectacle out of everything. Every holiday, get together, and current event. We have two traveling trophies in my family. One for the annual Oscars winner (we vote, text and talk throughout the show and crown a winner each year for who guesses the most correct) as well as a new “Photo of the Year” trophy that was created after my husband took the most incredible photo on a recent camping trip. The trophy has a place for the best photo of the year to be displayed. Like I said, we go all in, on all the things.
Super Bowl to me was always what it is to most people. A big group party. Kids running around, husbands all in on the game and us wives chatting over the chip and dip bowl. Love it! But after we moved and found ourselves tribeless for a period of time, and my husband and his buddies resurrected their annual Super Bowl ski trip, I found myself home alone on Super Bowl Sunday with two young boys who were half heartedly into the Super Bowl. There had to be a way to up the interest and fun level. That’s when I learned about...
Prop Bets

How had I not heard about this before? I love a good competition and the internet makes it so easy that really all you do is print off a sheet or two and decide how much money (or other currency like candy) you’re putting on the line. Prop bets include some football specific things like which team scores first or which team has the most interceptions, but also includes more silly stuff like how long the star spangled banner will be, or what color gatorade will be poured on the head of the winning coach. The best part is- everyone has to really pay attention to the game. We were automatically so much more invested! I think we started out betting a quarter per category, but the boys are getting older and therefore, so are the stakes.
I will be printing off this free printable for the 2025 Super Bowl. Below are some examples of what we have used in the past.

Commercial BINGO
Another one that is really fun to do is Commercial BINGO. Not only are you invested in the game, but let’s be real, the commercials are the best part anyway. Again, thank you internet for making this much too easy. Just print them off and mark off your square for each category like “Vehicle: or “Beer” and see who wins. You could bet money or something else on it. Maybe the winner doesn’t have to help clean up the kitchen post game? You can laminate these and have them ready to go year after year, because the categories aren't really changing. Below is the exact one we've been using for years. Click here for a direct link to the free printables by www.crazylittleprojects.com.
My good friend putting her commercial Bingo to work during the 2024 Super Bowl. Loved her Hershey Kiss idea!

I also saw this free printable for bingo during the entire Super Bowl game, not just commercials. Could be fun too?!
Football Squares Game
Of course, the old faithful Football Squares Game is a staple for a reason. Great for a large group (or just better chances for a small group). Get your chart set-up pre-game and have everyone put their name in their chosen squares. Prizes for who has the correct last two digits of the score at the end of each quarter. Example, if the score at the end of the first quarter is Chiefs 7 and Eagles 10, then the winner would be who had their name in the square for Chiefs 7, Eagles 0. Click here or on the image below for a link to Suite Bliss Printables to just pop one of these out of your printer. It sure looks nicer than the ones I usually make at my house with a magic marker and a ruler.
Super Bowl Inspired Food
And finally, if just want to focus on the star of the show, the food, you can make that memorable too. Did you say Super Bowl Sunday or Sundae?! One year my kids and I made a “Super Bowl Sundae”- one giant ice cream sundae with all the fixings- hot fudge, caramel, nuts, whipped cream, cherries, etc. We all grabbed a spoon and ate out of the same bowl. It was so funny, and so gross, and they will never forget it. I know it is a core memory for my youngest. He brings it up every time we talk about the Super Bowl. Even easier than making more than one sundae, but feels totally out of the norm.

Side note- this idea has always been one I’ve wanted to try and a big Super Bowl party would be the perfect event to try it. You buy a new gutter from Home Depot, clean it out, and then you can create a long, giant sundae that everyone can enjoy, at the same time. This is going to happen at some point in my life. I keep thinking this would be great for a summer birthday dessert too. Keep the sticky outside. But, please tell me someone is going to do it for Super Bowl this year and make my day!
The year following the "Super Bowl Sundae" we decided to lean on the “Super Bowl” theme, but wanted to try something different so we made the “Super Bowl of Chips” and just dumped like 3 of our favorite chips into one bowl and mixed them up. Doritos, classic lays and Cheetos. Just odd enough to not know what flavor you were grabbing next to keep things interesting, and yes- couldn't be easier. Side note, Lay's, please bring these chip bags back...
Don't forget all the all time favorites! I asked the Babble Panel to share their favorite game day foods so we have them all in one spot. Click the image below to check them all out.
However you are watching the Super Bowl I hope you find some fun ways to turn it up a notch and wish you luck on your Prop Bets!