Have you tried this yet? It really is over the top delicious when you are feeling under the weather. I’m not sure the origin story. Was it ever on the Starbucks menu or always a “hidden menu” item? Why are they not cranking these puppies out all the time? I think there are a lot of fans like my mom and I out there!
My mom was visiting from out of town and had caught wind of the elusive Starbucks Medicine Ball. (The photo above is the exact moment we had our first Medicine Ball Tea from Starbucks in January 2019). We had to try. So we drove through to get one before driving around to look at houses (one of our favorite past times after we drop the kids off at school and before T. J. Maxx opens). Sure enough, they knew just what we were talking about. We were hooked. All the flavors you want to soothe a sore throat or breathe in those minty fumes to help open up your chest.
While nothing beats getting an OG one from Starbucks, I’m cheap, and when I’m cold or sick, don’t love leaving my house, so I’ve been trying to perfect the same delight at home based on some copycat recipes with some tweaks to make it more doable for an everyday drink. And you better believe when my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer last year, her care package included everything she needed to make a Medicine Ball Tea at home, as easily as possible.

So here's the kicker. As of very recently the exact tea that Starbucks used is no longer being sold (shaking my head). It was perfection. While I still haven't found the best replacement, I'm working on it. In the meantime, we all just have to find something similar. Good luck out there.
Mug full of hot water
1 bag of Teavana Jade Citrus Mint Tea (Again, this is no longer being made. You can see in the photo above, I'm now using a Pure Peppermint Tea by Twinings. It works, but see if you can get something close to a "Jade Citrus Mint".)
1 bag of Teavana Peach Tranquility Tea (Yes. Also doesn't exist anymore. I'm now trying Twinings Peach & Orange, but thankfully there are a lot of peach teas on the market).
Half of a Crystal Light Single Serve Lemonade packet (Don't worry, you'll use the other half when you fill up your next mug of tea.)
2 tsp. of Honey
1 tsp. Peppermint Extract (I've actually never done this, but imagine it would be great if you are really congested so I'm leaving it in this recipe.)
I don't think you can really go out of order here. Just fill your mug with hot water, add in the tea bags to steep, half of the lemonade packet, some honey and Honey you are on your way to feeling better soon!
I also obviously think this makes a great gift for a friend who is ill or recovering from surgery, and a great drop off for a friend who is under the weather. Below is a photo of part of the package we sent to my mom before she underwent her breast cancer surgery. All the goodies for the Medicine Ball Tea were included and easy to prepare and package up for someone you are wanting to send a mug full of something warm, delicious and healing.
