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Mermaid Spray

Writer: Brooke AmideiBrooke Amidei

Oh Lord Almighty- this stuff has changed my world. After sharing my Lazy Lady Window Cleaning method, I was talking with a Babbler friend who owns her own longterm apartment rental business. She told me that the formula I was using for the Lazy Lady Window Cleaning method was super similar to what they use to clean glass shower doors in their units and it works like a dream. I didn't believe it because my glass shower door cleaning formula and process is the biggest pain in my ass. I HATE this job, pay top dollar to any child in need of bucks for Fortnite to do it for me, and definitely need to do it more often then I do. I thought I would give her "Mermaid Spray" a try (even she isn't sure why she named it that, but now that name will stay forever), but really didn't have high hopes that it would cut through the soap scum on my shower door.


It really felt like a miracle (maybe that is the reference to a mermaid?). To give you some context, for the past five years I have been creating a formula I found on Pinterest with baking soda, and vinegar and creating a paste that I would have to scrub on by hand or with a sponge and scrub and scrub until it took the soap scum off. Then I would have to rinse it off and most times end up having to do it again.

No shit- this time I sprayed on the Mermaid Spray, wiped it with a Magic Eraser and it was freaking magically gone. Insane. I tried to take a good before/after photo to give you an idea. These photos were taken maybe 5 minutes apart. Game. Changer. (Also you can tell how little faith I had that this would work, or I would've moved our Cottonelle wipes and air freshener before taking the photos).

Mermaid Spray:

  • 3/4 C. water

  • 1/4 C. white vinegar

  • 2 Tbl. Dawn dish soap

Mix all of that together in a spray bottle. Spray it on your glass shower door and you don't even have to wait, just wipe with your Magic Eraser and it is gone. Rinse off and use your squeegee if that is your jam and viola! Your shower just got a major upgrade. She also told me it’s good for windows too, just spray and hose down with water and wipe.

I'm so thankful Sarah shared this tip with me. I will use Mermaid Spray for the rest of my life and I will quit trying to bribe my children to do this chore with money for video games. It is so easy and so satisfying. Mermaid Spray for the win!!


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