For a decade or more I proudly wore the badge of a “beer and wine girl”. That was it- simple and delicious. Beer or wine for me. Sure I had downed numerous cocktails in college, even going through a weird tequila sunrise stage, and will always love the occasional margarita, but overall put a wine glass or cold one in my hand and you’ve got yourself a happy girl. My husband is pretty similar, but I’m sure he’d hop more on the cocktail train if it was my thing.
In an act of solidarity during my pregnancies he gave up drinking wine and beer around me. It was just too mean in his mind. So during that time he really started diving into whiskey which was never my jam. I was also so tired and sleeping so much that he changed what he watched to something I wouldn’t miss either- western movies. That was how his “whiskey western nights” were born. I would sleep, my head on his lap, to the sound of shoot outs and smell of whiskey on his breath. Ah pregnancy.
About a decade after that time, two kiddos later, and during a stay-at-home date night, he really wanted to convince me how wonderful whiskey is. Knowing my tastes well, he tweaked a regular old fashioned just enough to entice a novice. A little more sweet mixed in with the smokey whiskey flavor and the delicious Marciano cherry, that really is hard to resist, and I was surprisingly, easily convinced. I hope if you are also not really a whiskey drinker, or just looking for a late night cocktail, you’ll give his charmingly named “My Young Love’s Old Fashioned” a sip tonight. We’ll likely be joining you. :)
My Young Love's Old Fashioned
2 jiggers Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey
Half a jigger Sweet Vermouth Rosso
Maraschino cherries & juice
Dash of Angostura Bitters
Ginger Ale
Put ice in a lowball glass add a dash of bitters, bourbon, vermouth and one maraschino cherry with a little cherry juice. Top with ginger ale or sparkling water if you are looking for a lighter cocktail. Stir and watch your wife's cares melt away!
