Somewhere between living abroad and Covid I became a big fan of the online workout. The roll out of bed, brush your teeth and then get the job done before anyone wakes up kind of workout. I used to love the days of dropping my kids off at school and heading to my friend's gym for a great in person, group workout and social hour, but after some moves and busier schedules, I can no longer afford to start my day at 11am after my gym time and shower.
Now I am a morning person, but obviously the beauty of the online workout is that you can do it whenever it fits into your schedule and however it works for you. Below are some of the Babble Panels go-tos for a great online workout.
My most favorite, free online exercise resource for the past several years. I found her because I love a TRX workout and her TRX YouTube videos are really great. I still use her TRX videos each week, but now I've started trying some of her other workouts and I'm loving them just as much. I feel like I know her. She seems like someone I would hang out with while our kids played at the park. Easy to follow and lots of options! It's completely free on YouTube, but you can also sign up for her paid BodyFit Elite version and receive fitness and nutrition coaching.
Check out all of her free YouTube videos here: BodyFit by Amy
Bethany Leo on YouTube is FABULOUS!!! I adore her so much and her videos are so different from any other out there. I originally started following her clothing videos (Dearly Bethany) several years ago. This past year, she has gotten very into fitness and has created this new channel with videos from 18 minutes to 30 minutes. They are fabulous.

I don't use it but my husband does and LOVES IT! It's an AI- powered fitness coach and it seems pretty cool to me. I think he paid $60 or $65 for the YEAR. It provides customized daily workouts, body scans, etc. If I didn't already love my gym, I'd 100% join this.
I don't remember how I found Betty Rocker, but I know it was when we were living overseas. My favorite thing about Betty Rocker is she sends out great e-newsletters that have links directly to her free workouts. I just keep a folder of them in my Gmail and it is easy to click through and see what the focus is of each workout and how long it is. Betty Rocker likes to get shit done. She is not going to waste your time and you can get in an awesome workout with her in 20 minutes or sometimes even less. That is her motto- "Stop, Drop and Betty Rock". I know she has some great nutrition information as well, but I haven't gone too deep into that myself. She can get a little wordy during her workouts, but she is my go-to when I'm strapped for time.
You can find all of her free YouTube videos here: The Betty Rocker
I love this ONLINE workout! It fits my schedule and its at my house! 18 classes for $70 Through my local Community Education site but it's online M & Th 6:15am-7am so anyone can join! You can likely find something similar through your local community ed programs too.
I love the app because it gives you access to all the classes you would get on the bike, tread or rower as well as strength classes, yoga, barre, Pilates, mediation, dance cardio, boot camps and a ton more.
My app is wrapped into the cost of my peloton bike membership, but according to their website the app by itself is $12.99 per month. Use this link to get a 60-day free trial of the app.