These right of passage moments happen just once in a lifetime, why not really mark them and make them special?
Today my youngest is getting braces for the first time. To prepare for this he wanted to eat as much popcorn as possible, so we did have a mother/son after school movie date where we ate our weight in delicious movie theater buttered popcorn, so he thought the fun pre-braces preparation was complete, but...
We surprised him the night before he got his braces with the most fun (and odd) “last supper”. We ate all of the things that will be tough for him during his braces experience- apples, sticky and hard candies, corn on the cob, bubble gum and not pictured soft bread (we also had spaghetti so we did have some substance in there too). If we hadn't just overdosed in popcorn the day before it would've been fun to pop a bag and include that on the table as well.
Some non-braces friendly food ideas:
Corn on the Cob
Bubble Gum
Jolly Ranchers (the number one bracket breaker according to our orthodontist)
Gummy Bears
Any sticky and/or hard candy
Beef Jerky
Meat on a bone like ribs or chicken wings
Soft Bread

The most fun part- including all the fun new nicknames he has earned! I came up with a few on my own, but just did a quick google search to get the others. As you can see from my signs I went with:
Brace Face
Zipper Lips
Train Track
Tin Grin
Tinsel Teeth
Bear Trap
Metal Mouth
Magnet Mouth
Another quick google image search of "how to draw easy..." helped me with my non-artistic skills to make them a little more fun.
This would be a fun surprise dinner idea to celebrate getting braces off too! This "mean mom" would probably include photos of some of their ugliest braces moment to see how far they had come and really celebrate those beautiful, straight pearly whites, but that's just me.