I'm not exaggerating when I say that THIS coat is what started Babble.

I had been interested in a super long coat because I have been a cold person 100% of the time for my entire life and my fashionista friend Shauna started sporting one the year before. I ordered her fancy, cute, long jacket in hopes I would look equally cute, but it was too tight in my hip area. (Yes that's right, I now have a moment in my life where my hips were too wide for my jacket.) I came across this particular coat and bought it on a whim because it was so inexpensive and immediately fell in love.
I began referring to it as my "Sleeping Bag Coat" and constantly wearing it, and all of my girlfriends kept asking me where I got it. When I told them I bought it for under $40 they all immediately bought it for themselves and it quickly became known as "our uniform" here in Boise last winter.

We would show up to coffee and all four of us would be wearing the exact same coat. Basically we would show up anywhere (football games, school functions, the dog park, dinners, walks, you name it) and we would just nod at each other and say "nice uniform". And not just friends that lived nearby, pretty soon other girlfriends I had told about it were wearing the Sleeping Bag Coat while they took their kids to the bus stop in Minnesota or were out walking the dog in Iowa. Everyone who bought it, loved it just as much.
That got me thinking and us gals talking about how THIS is the stuff we wish we could find out about from somewhere. The good shit you don't want to miss out on. The no-brainer item you need in your life (or book, recipe, advice, etc.) and that idea is basically what Babble is built-around.
Fast forward to me saying eff it- I'm going to start this Babble thing... and then learning how to put together a website, starting social media channels and a newsletter only to find out 32 Degrees was no longer selling the Sleeping Bag Coat! I was devastated! Until last night, when I saw it was back for sale. HELL YES!! I immediately texted all of my "Sleeping Bag Coat Uniform" girls (and then we all immediately ordered it in green for this year's new uniform), and now I finally get to Babble about it! The Sleeping Bag Coat (or as 32 Degrees officially calls it "Women's Shield Tech Maxi Poly-Fill Coat") is only 40 freaking dollars. Now I own, and have been a fan of, The Amazon Jacket from years prior, but what I prefer about this little number is that it isn't as bulky. It's kind of like slipping your favorite cardigan over just about anything. It just works. It also back zips (if that is the name for it). You zip it up with the first zip and then you can zip the second zip upward as well to open up the bottom so you can walk. I had a MAN tell me this after seeing me walking like a dumbass penguin at our local dog park.
It is long and warm because who has time for that being cold BS? We are women who are out and about and standing around at endless sports in cold weather or walking the dog at ungodly hours in the snow, and there is nothing else better than being wrapped up in this coat.
I can't stop wearing it. I can't stop telling everyone about it. And now you all have my permission to guilt-free order this gem before it goes out of stock or goes off sale. It is so rare to find something that is both chic (is that still a word to use?) and super practical. Welcome to your 40s. Now get yourself a Sleeping Bag Coat.

Even wore it on Halloween.
Basically built a quick costume around it because it was chilly out.
Love the coat! Where’s the jogger set from in the top pic?
IT IS MY ALL TIME FAVORITE WINTER COAT!!!!!!!! Now to convince myself I need the green one now too....damn you Babble....if I must, I must....