Have you noticed that your boy can be kinda tough to talk with?
Especially about school, social media, video games, chores, and, well, just about everything?
This is super-common (and super-annoying)!
You want a close, connected relationship with your son, and you want him to know that he can talk to you about anything.
But most boys don’t make it easy! One-word answers, grunts, and closed (slammed) doors are typical barriers boys use to protect their privacy and KEEP YOU OUT!
It is possible to break through your son’s barriers – but it takes understanding and persistence.

My friends, Jennifer L.W. Fink & Janet Allison, co-hosts of the ON BOYS Parenting Podcast, are offering a three-part series that will help you:
bust through your boy’s resistance
increase his trust in you
foster a closer connection between you
This is your opportunity to personally tap into their 40+ years of boy-expertise!
Wednesdays: May 7th, 14th, 21st
10-11:15 pacific / 1-2:15 eastern
with REPLAYS & additional RESOURCES always INCLUDED!
This is your opportunity to troubleshoot and brainstorm with Jen and Janet, and other parents of boys.
Jen and Janet will help you adjust your approach, so you can really connect with your son.
Wednesday, May 7th: How to get him to REALLY LISTEN to you (without nagging or losing your cool)
Wednesday, May 14th: ANSWERS to the TOP questions you WORRY and WONDER about (including friendships, lack of motivation, school resistance, porn and screen time)
Wednesday, May 21st: How to respond to him when he’s WITHDRAWN, has big emotions, is sad, angry (or just about anything else!)
When you learn how to talk with your son, everything is easier!
Learn successful boy-friendly communication techniques and experience the peace and contentment that follows when your son feels heard and understood.
Here’s to raising great boys!